Thursday, July 12, 2007


ok yeah, sigh...

I'm so sick of having people in my house - remodeling SUCKS! It's been going on since before Christmas and I'm going nuts now. I want my privacy back!

and yeah, I should have pictures. I'll work on that!

Yesterday was spent with Brie off looking for music for her weekend DJ gig. Gotta love a couple that want the Lichtensteiner Polka and the Father/Daughter dance :) Brie's nervous as this is her first real gig by herself. She'll do great though!

Sat for a bit last night and carded some more of the Romney I got on Tracy's and my short fiber crawl. Have a decent basket of it in rolags they are so fluffy and nice :) grr.... ok pics.. let me find the camera... brb

OK! pictures lol

Here's a closer look :)

Those fluffy little clouds of gray air from this mess! That still amazes me!

After playing around with the wool, we settled back and watched another episode of Carnivale. That is a seriously messed up show but I would have liked to see what they would have done with it if it had run past 2 seasons.

Easier for me to crochet while doing the TV thing so worked on my yo-yos. Getting there!

Lot's of pretty colors there - only using varigated and then putting together with black. Should be pretty!!
off to checkup on the dog show this weekend. Then get the camera ready for the Iron Man contest in Ashland. Yeah for co-worker Glen!!!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Hey there. Looks good. Sorry about not getting back to you about the next fiber crawl...Shit has hit the fan with Glen. I've been living there since the 12th and will be going back tomorrow until at least the 24th. Film at 11.