Sunday, July 8, 2007

Camper weekend

ah geez... I caught hell for not updating this thing. well heck :)

Hubby dragged the camper down to KR for me so that Tracy and I could catch up. We have learned that an afternoon for lunch just doesn't do it :) Seems to me the last time we tried we went through I think 4 shift changes and 3 meals at the local grill lol

Packed the camper with the required munchies and show and tell stuffs :) Did I take pics to post of anything? hell no... I know there was a camera in the camper someplace...

Dragged my wheel down there and good thing I did. It was in desperate need of some TLC. Got it cleaned up and greased and balanced. geez! no wonder I was having such a hell time trying to spin... ok that and that really shitty fiber :) nip city huh?

Well thanks to Tracy I have found some great fibers and gotten back at my wheel. I think carding is still my fav thing to do - for some reason it's extremely relaxing.

OH! fiber crawl... slow death...
drop into Moose Lake and see the shop there that Roger and I had tried to go to but it was closed. Nice place if small. Had a lot of pretty yarn to ogle and do the touchy feely to. I also liked the DPN holder. Should have grabbed one but I will next time I had down.

Next to Hinkley and the Mother of All. Nice place as well in a pretty setting. We dropped in amidst construction of a ramp. oh well... deal with it :) LOTS of pretty fibers and the very best thing were sample packs of various fibers!!! What a wonderful idea! Between the two of us I think we nabbed almost 2 lbs of fiber of various kinds in 1-2oz packets. Everything from baby camel to marino top. got some flax, some silk, some alpaca, cashgora (tracy nabbed that one!) and Finn - all sorts of fine to try stuff. Upstairs is a used book loft, Outside is a garden complete with a wonderful looking gazebo. It looks inviting and would be a gorgeous place to sit and knit.

Next stop is where the slow boil and swear words came in...
Off to Brainerd to what is advertised as a super shop!! We are both pretty excited cause it looks like on the web they have all sorts of things!! I"m in the market for some new spinning toys and figured I'd get them there... nope... no.
We follow the map to the store adn there's no store... ok I can deal with this. Check the door and there's a little note saying they moved. no prob. Head over to where they moved. door's open so we head in. This is an artist community in an old school. we finally found the store and guess what? they are closed. *GRRR* the web advertises they are open Monday thru Saturday until 6pm... truth is they are open Monday and Thursday until 4 and the second Saturday of the month. There is supposed to be a luncheon place connected - nope...

ok how hard is it to change a blasted web site? It would be different if we had just headed across town but it wasn't a short trip. I'm not saying i didn't enjoy the trip, any time we spend together is good time :) Just wishing we had been able to get into a spinning store like we were bother looking forward to. oh well. another adventure is in the planning and if nothing else there is always online... oh but I do so prefer to handle stuff first...

enough. see I DO update :) picks of the treasures to come... if I can find the camera!

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