Sunday, June 24, 2007

mom help!

mom... I need a tent.
mom... Scott got fired.
mom... I need your truck.
mom... HELP!

sigh... I love my kids, really I do :)

today I try to do the good thing. She pawned a couple of family rings that she had been given and tomorrow is the last day she can get them back. I told her to be here in the morning and we would go get them but that I would "own" them until she paid me back for them. She didn't bother to show up and then gets pissed at me for getting upset because I had to sit and wait on her. grrrrrRRRRRRR!!! I swear... lots and lots :)

ok I'm over it. we are going to BBQ tonight - sirloin tip roast. and I'm going to sit in that hot tub until I shrivel up! Then I'm going to sit in bed, gather my crocheting to me and maybe watch a damn show! *stomps foot!* 48 hour weekend and I'm going to be selfish and enjoy 2 hours of it dammit!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Kids...Gatta love em.