Friday, June 1, 2007

it's been a while!

Off we go into renaissance land... the place I love so much but it means so much work. Just finished up embroidering 16 banners. Working on 8 pennants tonight and tomorrow. Tomorrow also is the start of the garbing. Let's see:

Roger: Doublet and codpiece
Brie: Skirt, Blouse, leather cincher and vest
Brie's Scott: Doublet, pants, shirt
Tim: Pants and jerkin
Scott: black and white parti-color something
Morgan: same as Scott
me: ??? who the heck knows lol I doubt I'll have time for anything new for myself this year.

And I have to finish the horses :) I love our joust :)

Check us out! Olde World Ren Faire

off to work!

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