Sunday, January 14, 2007

Winter Finally

The weather finally turned a bit colder! It almost seems like January. That 30 degree stuff was getting kind of old although I hope the below zero stuff doesn't stay around too long with the small amount of snow we have.

Knitting is progressing. Ah hell... so is yarn shopping :) Picked up a few sock skeins yesterday - a couple of skeins for a small shawl and some mohair for gauntlets for me. I also picked up my umbrella swift that I've been wanting :) All in all a good shopping day!

I also grabbed a few books while I was out. I"m trying to find as many different kinds of toes and heels for socks that I can find. In the process I found a couple of dog knit books and promptly grabbed some of that mohair and some pink baby yarn and am making Mia a new dress lol Roger asked if all dogs have such wardrobes hehe she's just spoiled :)

The afghan is coming right along - got a few more rows done on it last night watching my DVDs. I'll probably do the same tonight after we get take out chinese.

Happy knitting!

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