Monday, January 7, 2008

October huh?

wow... I'm a real spit fire! lol Guess it's time to belly up and get writing!

What have I been up to in the past few months... Let's see:

October 30th: I went in for gastric bypass. That took a lot of my time up between getting ready for surgery, laying in that stupid hospital for 2 days and then healing up. I was lucky though as I had virtually no pain and 0 complications. I did get extremely tired though so was very thankful for the time off work. I agonized over what to take to work on at the hospital. I think I did some minor knitting on my scarf lol Just didn't have the concentration for it. Things are still going well and to date I've lost about 50 lbs.

November: Brianna my daughter announced she's pregnant and due in June. Thanksgiving was good but I ate too much. I can only have about 1/4th cup of food per meal. I tried eating off a small plate and taking only about a tablespoon of the things that were good for me. I cooked so there were plenty of things I could eat. well, all those tablespoons add up and it was over 1/4th cup when I was done. I won't be doing that again. Bought a BowFlex and have been working out on it 4-6 times a week. Also went out and bought another knitting machine.

December brought lots of crafting and family times! Brie and I made most of the gifts that we gave. I think total we made about 11 tie blankets - she delved into mosaics - and I knit up her hat, gator and hand warmers. Everything was a big hit and it was the best of times working with her to make things. I don't think she realizes just how excited I am to work together with her creating stuff!!
My nephew from WA came home for the holidays with his family so we were blessed with a full house :) Emma, my grand daughter was just a year old so she had fun playing in the papers and new toys :) Over all it was a great day. I cooked breakfast and then everyone went their separate ways to spend time with other family members. Brie and Scott came back later in the evening and we watched Pirates 3 :) a really good day :)

January started out a bit ragged but it's smoothed out. Roger and I are still talking divorce and I figure it will happen, just not sure when. I picked up a couple of snowmobiles so we were out riding last night with the whole crew. 8 adults and 4 kids all taking turns in the yard and down the power lines lol It was great! I figured everyone would get bored with the short run but it worked out just fine :)

As for crafts, I picked up a knitting machine in November - I shouldn't have as I"m not happy with it. Brie and I went to St. Cloud to get it and I'm getting NO support for it. When I called with a problem I got told to read the book. ok, normally that would be fine but this book has NOTHING to do with this machine!!! I was told no warranty... ok. so when I went out on the web to try to figure out what I'm messing up and landed on the mother page, I see they offer a 1 year warranty... talked to the owner of the company personally. Learned my lesson and won't be dealing with St. Cloud anymore. Meanwhile I need to figure out why the lace won't work. Thank goodness for a nice online group. It's still not working but we shall see. I need to get a hold of a gentleman who has the same set up as I and see how he made it all work.

I've been knitting some on my scarf and hope to have it done shortly. It's a potato chip scarf and is taking forever :) I think there's about a thousand stitches OTN now. Pretty in hot pink and white though!

Also picked up some plush blanket at Wally World for under $5 each and am working crocheted edging on them. They really are so nice and soft!!

I need to make up some snowmobiling garb though - Last night proved that it wouldn't hurt if we had some extra around! I figure I can make up some polar fleece gators and stuff. Have to see what I feel like. I also have to make up a snowshoe patch for Brie :) she earned the nickname when she was out in WA... I'll let you ask her if you want the explanation of it!

Hope everyone has a great new year and is bless with those thing they need. I know I feel blessed just having my health and my family around me. *huggles*