Monday, February 19, 2007

cable link

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Knitting marker addiction!

OMG these things are just too much fun!! I need to take a few pictures but I"ve been having a blast making these! lol I'll never use them all but figure they will make pretty gifts for knitting friends :)
Feels good to create again! I'm also so very much looking forward to getting the kitchen done so I can have my lap top and embroidery machine out in the sunshine to work on stuff!!
Other things in the works are ... a new KAL dishcloth starting on the yahoo list on Thursday... I got offered the sister to my Eskie pup... the timing isn't right though so will probably have to pass.

Tried to take pics of the markers but they aren't turning out so will try again tomorrow morning.

Sleep well nightmares and come home to roost some other day...

Sunday, February 11, 2007

What yarn type are you?

What kind of yarn are you?

You are Dishcloth Cotton.You are a very hard worker, most at home when you're at home. You are thrifty and seemingly born to clean. You are considered to be a Plain Jane, but you are too practical to notice.
Take this quiz!

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Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Blast and damnation it's cold out here!!! All weekend it's been well below zero in the Northland. The vehicles have all started though so in that we have been lucky :)

WIth them starting I made my way to Michaels and picked up some Cotton Tots to knit up some dishclothes with. I joined a KAL and am enjoying the heck out of it! ah heck - I joined a few but am slowly getting my feet wet and the dishclothes seemed a fun easy way to do that.

I should have the first one done either today or tomorrow - stupid appts

Elsewhere in the world:
The pup is growing and her little bark and growl are so cute... except at 4am. lol

My house is coming along. I'm fretting over paint colors right now. The front wall is slate so that is a focus wall... darn designers lol So... I have to find something that goes with that.. the green granite island counter - the paler green main counter and the redish wood flooring... not to mention the craftroom and bedroom that all connect somehow. *nightmare*

Thanks again for reading. If anyone has any ideas about decorating around slate PLEASE let me know!